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Members Area Home Page :: Services :: Order Firewood


Muirfield Association is pleased to offer cut and split firewood for sale to Muirfield residents. Fall deliveries will not begin until around November 2021 (keep this in mind when ordering), but you can get on the list now!

The cost is $125.00 for a half cord and $225.00 for a full cord. Cost includes delivery of the wood and stacking in an appropriate location on your property. Wood must be paid for at the time of delivery by either check or cash.

A full cord of wood measures four feet high by four feet wide by eight feet long (4 ft. x 4 ft. x 8 ft.) Likewise, a half cord measures 4 x 4 x 4 feet.

The delivery area must be easily accessible by wheelbarrow. If extra handling is needed, there will be an extra cost. An example may be if you request us to stack the wood on a deck, which would require staff to hand-carry wood up stairs. Please let us know if hand carrying would be necessary at the time you place your order.

All orders are on a first come, first served basis. Residents may request up to one cord of wood at a time. If a larger quantity is desired, you may submit a second order after your first order has been delivered and you have had a chance to use some wood.

Most properties in Muirfield cannot accommodate more than one cord of wood at a time and still keep the wood screened from views. Please keep this in mind when ordering additional wood.

To request firewood, fill out the form below. Fields marked with an asterisk * are required. In order for your request to be processed, you must include your name, street address, email address, phone number, and the amount of firewood you are requesting. Providing a good contact number is critical. If we are unable to reach you by phone for delivery and stacking instructions, we will contact the next person on the list.

If you have questions, contact us.

Half Cord ($125.00)
Full Cord ($225.00)

Note: Include any special handling instructions.

Place Order

Thank you for your order! Your request has been added to the list. A staff member will contact you to verify delivery and stacking instructions closer to the date of delivery.

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Muirfield Association :: 8372 Muirfield Drive :: Dublin, Ohio, 43017 :: (614) 889-0922
© Muirfield Association, Inc.